Friday, July 16, 2010

Work Begins on Roosevelt Island Tram Tower Top 1 This Weekend - Traffic Shutdown For Queensboro Bridge Upper Level & 60th Street Lower Ramp July 17-18

Image of Roosevelt Island Tram Tower 1 and Crane

The big crane is in place so work will begin this weekend to replace the Top of the Roosevelt Island Tram Tower 1 in Manhattan this weekend. RIOC has issued a Traffic Advisory for the area surrounding the Queensboro Bridge Upper Level and the Manhattan lower ramp exit on First Avenue. From RIOC:
Please be advised due to work being done on Tower 1 in Manhattan, East 60th street will be closed on Saturday, July 17th from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 18th between the lower ramp exit and 1st Avenue.

In addition, the Queensboro Bridge upper Roadway will be closed on Sunday, July 18th from 5:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Image of Roosevelt Island Tram Tower 1 and Crane

Work was completed on Manhattan's Tram Tower Top 2

Image of Manhattan Tram Tower 2

and the Tower Top on Roosevelt Island.

Tram Tower On Roosevelt Island With New Tower Top (click to enlarge)

Once Tram Tower Top 1 is replaced all three tower tops will be done. The most recent projected date for resumption of Tram service announced by RIOC is October 1, 2010.

The original construction schedule for the project planned a September 1 return of Tram Service. Here is the original construction schedule.

UPDATE 1:50 PM - RIOC VP Of Planning & Intergovernmental Affairs Rosina Abramson adds:
IF present conditions continue and there are no further unanticipated delays due to permitting, etc. we hope to be able to open one side of the Tram to service by the end of September and the other the first week in October. There are steps beyond our control - including : "re-commissioning" review by NYS Dept. of Labor and the NYC Uniformed Services reviews. We're assuming they will be conducted in a timely fashion prior to re-opening.

Regarding station re-design, a presentation of modifications to both stations will be presented to the full community on July 29th at 5:30. A full announcement will be made as soon as a meeting place is identified.