Thursday, July 15, 2010

Avoid Escalator And Stairs - Fast Lane Slide Your Way Down To The Roosevelt Island Subway Station Platform Or Take The Stairs & Make Some Piano Music

Image of Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Escalators

Do you ever get annoyed at people walking down the Roosevelt Island F Train Subway escalator very slowly or blocking your way by standing two abreast? Well, here's a possible solution from the folks at Volkswagen - The Fast Lane Slide.

You Tube Video of Fast Lane - The Slide Via Presurfer
According to The Presurfer:
For those looking to move a little quicker, auto giant Volkswagen has created a 'Fast Lane' slide at the Alexanderplatz subway station in Berlin, Germany. So the commuters have the choice to either take the staircase or have fun and save time by sliding down the Fast Lane.
Wouldn't it be really fun to begin your New York City subway ride if the MTA installed these subway escalator slides at the Roosevelt Island F Train subway station to be used when the down escalators are not in service or for those in a real hurry to catch their train? Weeeeeee!!!!!!!! Or, how about a little music on your way up and down the Piano subway stairs?
You Tube Video of Piano Stairs
According to The Fun Theory:
”Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and feel better” is something we often hear or read in the Sunday papers. Few people actually follow that advice. Can we get more people to take the stairs over the escalator by making it fun to do? See the results here
So if you had your choice, would you walk down the steps to the Roosevelt Island subway station, take the escalator or ride the Fast Lane Slide down? What about if the piano steps were added to the mix?