Monday, July 12, 2010

Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Meeting Tonight At 8 PM - Improve Your Public Speaking Skills and Meet New Friends This Summer

Image from Roosevelt Island Toastmasters (Click To Enlarge)

Received the following message from the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters:
Dear Colleagues and Friends, welcome to our SUMMER KICK OFF MEETING!

July 12 Monday, Cocktails Start 7:30 pm, regular session starts at 8:00pm

Location: Rivercross Community Room (beside Good Shepherd Church)


· Welcome Remarks: Jill Burk

Special Guest: Sirisha Tatineni

Area Governor District 52

· Toastmaster: Carol Tanjutco

· Word of the Day: Joanne Eichel

· Table Topics Master: Deborah Drucker


This meeting, each member is requested to bring a unique object of interest, for other members to talk about. All members will be called to pick an item from the table. Guests are welcome to participate, and may choose to talk about any item brought by the members.
More information about the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters available from previous posts.