Friday, August 23, 2013

Roosevelt Island Steam Plant Closing, Cornell Infrastructure, Security Cameras, Lighthouse Park Repairs, Permit Fees and Much More To Be Discussed At RIOC Operations Committee Meeting On Monday August 26

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Operations Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Monday, August 26, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the RIOC administrative office, 591 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.


Discussions of:

1. Pier Repairs
2. Steam Plant Closing
3. Cornell Infrastructure
4. Permit Fees
5. Lighthouse Park Repairs
6. Security Camera Project
7. Advertising and Posting Policy
8. Cultural Center Repairs
9. Southpoint Seawall Repairs
10. Outdoor Exercise Equipment

Any Other Committee Business That May be Brought Before the Committee


The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen.
During the August 22 RIOC Real Estate Advisory Committee Meeting (here's audio webcast of meeting), RIOC Director Howard Polivy and President Charlene Indelicato reported that the Roosevelt Island Sportspark facility

Sportspark Image From Google Maps

may have to temporarily close for an unknown period of time because of the scheduled closing of the Steam Plant.

 Image Of Roosevelt Island Steam Plant

Mr. Polivy explained that the Steam Plant supplies power to the Sportspark and without the Steam Plant, or, a substitute energy source, the Sportspark cannot operate. Ms Indelicato noted that Sportspark could be closed for as little as one or two weeks in order to install a temporary energy source. It is unknown at this time if Sportspark would be closed for a prolonged period of time.

Here's the discussion on subject

which was part of a longer RIOC Operations Committee discussion on the use of Roosevelt Island community parks and recreation facilities.