Saturday, May 10, 2014

Fire At New Jersey Marine Facility Receiving Cornell NYC Tech Barges From Roosevelt Island Goldwater Demolition Results In Truck Deliveries May 12,13 & 14 Evening - RI Bridge Helix Will Be Closed For Brief Period Says RIOC

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According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

A recent fire destroyed the marine facility in New Jersey that was receiving barges from the Cornell Tech site. The fire was unrelated to the Cornell Tech Activities. Efforts are underway to locate a new facility, but in the interim, a small number of trucks will be required to deliver empty containers to the site next week. On Monday May 12, Tuesday May 13, and Wednesday May 14, at some point between the hours of 8 p.m and 10 p.m, trucks will be escorted over the helix by the RIOC Public Safety Department and led to the construction site, requiring brief closures of the helix. No more than five trucks will arrive on the island on any night. This is expected to be a one-time solution due to these unexpected circumstances. Please note that this advisory only pertains to empty containers. Any containers containing materials from the site will continue to be shipped off the island by barge. Thank you for your understanding.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Also, here's the Cornell NYC Tech Construction Update:
May 9 - May 23 Look Ahead

Interior demolition is fully complete in all Phase 1 buildings (the northern portion of site). Interior abatement is ongoing, although this work is fully complete in building C. The work zone has expanded into Phase 2 buildings (the southern portion of site), with interior demolition starting in buildings A and B.

The art conservation firms have successfully removed the three WPA murals from Goldwater Hospital. They have fully demobilized and vacated the site. The murals are now going to the firms’ art studios in Manhattan for a more thorough assessment of canvas and paint conditions, to be followed by conservation work.

Data from the Community Air Monitoring Program has been shared on the construction website. Daily average and daily maximum particulate concentrations are included, along with action levels.