Tuesday, May 6, 2014

RIRA Housing Committee Seminar Tips On Keeping Your Roosevelt Island Apartment Clean And Organized - See Dust, Take Off Glasses, Dust Gone Does Not Work

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Housing Committee Chair Susan Marcus reports:

All who attended RIRA’s Housing Committee’s first informational seminar on “Quick Tips for Cleaning and Organizing Your Home” on April 29th in Westview’s community room had good, clean fun.

Image Of RIRA Cleaning Seminar

The panel of Mary Cavanaugh, neighbor and founder of “The Best Home Services, Ltd”, her partner Kim Lutz and Randye Goldstein, head of “Organize with Ease”, gave the capacity crowd many great tips on cleaning products, preparing your home for the cleaning person, maintaining your apartment as efficiently as possible and organizing the clutter – or how to throw out the items you no longer really need but are too attached to get rid of.

In my opinion, the three best tips were as follows:
  1. Using string mops is by far the best way to clean your floors.
  2. “Green” products do not clean well enough – stick with the Chemicals for thorough cleaning and use the Green for maintenance.
  3. If you are too attached to an item that you no longer use, take a picture of it and then eliminate.
Personally, Ms. Goldstein gave me the motivation to rid myself of clothes that were 10-15 years old, even though I felt I was being a bit premature. Ms. Cavanaugh made me realize that my method on cleaning – see the dust, take off my glasses, dust gone, was not all that great. But a seed was planted in most of our heads to rethink our current methods of maintaining our homes and possessions.

In the future, the Housing Committee hopes to bring more of these informational seminars to Roosevelt Island to make your living here more efficient and pleasurable. If you have any topics you would like to see presented or if you are an expert on any topic related to home living, please contact me at sqmarcus@gmail.com. Hope to see you next time!
Good idea and good job by Ms. Marcus and RIRA Housing Committee.