Lewdness Investigation At The Roosevelt Island Day Nursery This Week - RIDN Board Of Trustees Says NYPD Determined No Crime Committed
The May 5 Roosevelt Island Public Safety Daily Report indicated an incident involving lewdness at the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery (RIDN):
05/05/14 - 2036 - 4 River Road - Lewdness - PSD responded - Under investigation.Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Jack McManus added that the incident was under investigation by the NYPD.
On May 7, I asked representatives from the RIDN:
The RIDN Board Of Trustees responded May 8:I am receiving reports of inappropriate conduct by a staffer at the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery which is currently being investigated by NYPD
Is that true?
Does RIDN have any statement regarding the incident.
Wednesday afternoon representatives of the Roosevelt Island Board of Trustees spoke with the NYPD regarding the alleged incident and were informed that NYPD has determined that no laws were broken and no crime was been committed. They were further informed that barring unforeseen circumstances the investigation will be closed and no further investigation will be necessary.The RIDN Board Of Trustees added today:
Board of Trustees
Roosevelt Island Day Nursery
The Board’s current understanding is that the alleged incident occurred well after closing hours and that the staffer was alone at the time. No children, other staff or parents were involved.UPDATE 5:20 PM - The RIDN Board Of Trustees reported to parents:
... The Board as a precautionary measure Wednesday morning suspended the staffer who was allegedly involved in the incident to protect the school and those affiliated with it. The staffer in question is not permitted on the school premises while suspended, pending the Board's resolution of this situation....