Thursday, December 1, 2016

RIRA And RI Parents' Network Thank Main Street Sweets Owner Scot Bobo For Contribution To Roosevelt Island Community On Day Ice Cream Shop Closed Business

Coach Scot's Main Street Sweets closed it's business yesterday.

Since the closing announcement earlier this month, residents have expressed sadness that our only ice cream shop is no more, but also appreciation for owner Scot Bobo and his family
for creating a community space that was enjoyed by many.

At last night's Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) meeting, RIRA Common Council Member Adib Mansour and Roosevelt Island Parents Network Coordinator Eva Bosbach thanked Scot Bobo for his contribution and service to Roosevelt Island.

Mr. Bobo thanked everyone who came in the shop and said:

... All we did was provide the space. Roosevelt Island provided the community. It's a great community.

Keep the community together. Wherever the next space is, we're the community and that's all we need...
Thank you Scot. Nice job. Your efforts were appreciated by many.