Thursday, January 12, 2017

When Will Roosevelt Island Sportspark Renovations Be Completed? Facility Will Re-Open As Soon As Boiler Can Be Turned On Says RIOC But No Firm Date Yet

As previously reported, the renovations to the Roosevelt Island Sportspark facility

 Sportspark Image From Google Maps

that began last August were scheduled to be completed before Thanksgiving.

Image From RIOC

In December, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced that Sportspark renovation problems would delay the re-opening until Mid January.

During the January 4 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Meeting, RIRA Common Council Member Janet Falk asked RIRA Island Services Committee Chair Aaron Hamburger if he knew when Sportspark will re-open. Mr. Hamburger answered
... I'm convinced that it will be later than scheduled... I think we are at least a month or maybe two months away from opening....
Mr Hamburger added that RIOC will begin renovations of the locker room in April.

On January 5 I asked RIOC President Susan Rosenthal:
Any update on when Sportspark will reopen?

Is mid January still the plan?
Ms Rosenthal replied later that day:
It's still the plan but I cannot confirm the actual date since a few players need to be coordinated in order to make sure we have heat (the hook-up of the new boiler is in its final stage). Stay tuned....
I learned on January 10, that the Palladino Academy Indoor Soccer Practice was scheduled for January 17 at Sportspark so I asked RIOC:
Has a date been selected for opening Sportspark?

One of the Soccer groups has announced that they will be using Sportspark on January 17.
RIOC Vice President of Operations Shelton Haynes replied:
At this time point in time, we are still awaiting dates for inspections for the work on the boiler. After which, they will authorize Con Ed and the manufacturer to finally turn on the boiler. We are doing everything in our power to expedite this process. As soon as we can confirm a date that is certain, we will advise accordingly.
So, still no firm date for opening of Sportspark - Stay tuned.

RIOC explained reasons for renovations delay here.