Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Update On Roosevelt Island Gunshots Aimed At Upper East Side Building - NYPD Offers $2500 Reward For Info And Manhattan Park Management Adds Roving Security Personnel

As reported last Monday:

A tipster reported gunshots were heard in the vicinity of Roosevelt Island's Manhattan Park building complex at 30 River Road early Saturday morning.

 Another resident reported:
...anyone else have police officers knock on their door asking about gunshots fired Friday night/Saturday morning?

... According to a NYPD spokesperson, an earwitness:
... heard 5 shots coming from rear of 30 River Road at about 1:10 am Saturday.

Investigation is ongoing
No injuries reported and no arrests have been made....
Today, the NYPD 119 precinct, which covers Manhattan's Upper East Side, offered a $2500 reward for information on the Roosevelt Island gunshots incident.
Today, I asked the Manhattan Park building management:
Any comment from Manhattan Park management regarding the NYPD investigation of gunshots believed to have come from Manhattan Park?...

... I've heard comments from residents who are very concerned about security precautions, or lack thereof, at Manhattan Park including background checks on occupants. Also residents have complained about what they say are many illegally divided apartments with a rotation of temporary occupants.
A Manhattan Park Spokesperson replied:
In response to the recent news reports, please know that the safety and security of our residents is our first priority.

Manhattan Park Management is cooperating fully with NYPD detectives during their investigation which is ongoing. We are coordinating with NYPD for them to conduct an informational session for residents at the Manhattan Park Theater Club.

We are making every effort to ensure the safety and security of our residents is addressed. After consulting with our security advisors, we have directed our security firm to add additional roving security personnel on an interim basis, while NYPD is conducting their investigation.

No further comment as this is an open police investigation.
Stay tuned for more info.

UPDATE 8:21 PM  - NYPD is seeking to identify individuals seen in video below.