Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Rat Poison Loose Grains Found At Roosevelt Island Southtown Riverwalk Lawn Last Weekend - Be Careful, Children And Dogs Play In Area

In 2013, several dead squirrels 

were found at Roosevelt Island outdoor public spaces attributed to the unauthorized use of rat poison.

Last Sunday, Roosevelt Island resident and Wildlife Freedom Foundation (WFF) President Rossana Ceruzzi reported:
I found rat poison in loose grains

on the Hudson Related Riverwalk 405-15  property yesterday - South East of subway on the green strip property facing Manhattan.

Place where not only dogs but children play

I called RIOC Public Safety Department and the Managers at 405 and 425. Following my call, the 405 manager sent the employee you see in the picture to help sweeping off the loose grains.

Symptoms may not be seen up to 5 days after exposure to rodenticide

In the vicious mind of the perpetrator is the attempt to kill the squirrels as the rodenticide has been sprinkled in small quantities and only around trees where squirrel live. Please note that rodenticides are formulated as baits and have ingredients like peanut butter that attract animals
As of today, Ms Ceruzzi reports no poison symptoms found.

In July 2012, dead squirrels were found on the Riverwalk 455 Main Street Lawn. The FDNY investigated

for hazardous materials but no toxins were found.