Cornell Tech Starting Series Of Roosevelt Island Community Conversations With Faculty Members - Learn About Computer Vision, Machine Learning And Augmented Reality With Prof Serge Belongie Tuesday September 25, More To Come
Cornell Tech is starting a series of Roosevelt Island community conversations with members of their faculty beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25, with Professor Serge Belongie.
You're invited.
According to Cornell Tech:
Community Conversations with Cornell Tech FacultyProfessor Belongie explains computer vision in video below.
Professor Belongie will talk about his research group's work in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Augmented Reality at Cornell Tech. He will also take questions from the audience.
These events are free and open to the public.
- Oct. 17th: Prof. Nicola Dell
- Nov. 29th: Prof. Mor Naaman
- Dec. 11th: Prof. James Grimmelmann
To Register use link:
Or call 646-971-3744 and leave your name and phone number. (RSVP not required but will make access to the building easier)
During the August 16 Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Construction & Community Task Force meeting.
Cornell Tech Assistant Director of Community & Government Relations Jane Swanson described the upcoming series of community conversation with Cornell Tech Faculty and Roosevelt Island residents.