Thursday, September 27, 2018

Roosevelt Island Garden Club Hosting 2nd Annual Free Classical Musician's Rehearsal Symphony Orchestra Concert At Community Garden Sunday September 30 - You're Invited!!!

The Roosevelt Island Garden Club (RIGC) invites you to their Second Annual Classical Music Concert in the Community Garden. According to the RIGC:

​2nd Annual Classical Music in the Community Garden

Sunday, September 30th 4:30-6:00pm (rain date: October 7)


Once again this year, the Roosevelt Island Garden Club is thrilled to be hosting a concert of the Classical Musicians' Rehearsal Symphony Orchestra, founded by Arlene Stock, in the Community Garden.

Come join neighbors, garden club members, and music lovers for an afternoon of classical music among the late-summer flowers. Admission is free and open to the public. Bring your own chairs or stroll the paths of the garden while music fills the air!
Here's a brief sample from the 2017 concert.

According to the Classical Musicians' Rehearsal Symphony Orchestra web site:
... We are a reading orchestra, so we don't perform — we just play, perhaps each of us for different reasons, for most of us because we have to, but certainly for all of us because we love to. For some, the works we program in our community orchestra are a first reading; for others, encore visitations with beloved scores; for everyone, fulfilling music-making with kindred spirits.

We are always seeking more musicians, so take a look at our program history and get in touch with us for information about joining our orchestra....
More info on the RIGC available at their web site, including how to become a member.