Friday, February 1, 2019

Roosevelt Island Transportation This Weekend - Good News, First Time This Year Roosevelt Island F Train Service To And From Manhattan This Weekend

Good News - first time this year there will be Roosevelt Island F Train service to and from Manhattan this weekend.

According to the MTA, there will be Roosevelt Island F Train service this weekend.

As previously reported, due to the Tram Overhaul project starting second week of February with only one Tram Cabin operating:

... RIOC officials received assurances that there will be no disruptions to the subway’s F Train line that services Roosevelt Island, including weekends through April 19.

Additional service will be provided via the E Train line, weeknights March 18 – March 22 and March 25 – March 29; and all four weekends March 23 – April 25.....
 Both Tram Cabins operating at full capacity this weekend.

There is Roosevelt Island ferry service on the Astoria Route. Here's the Winter Schedule for Roosevelt Island ferry service.