Hey Susan - RIOC President Susan Rosenthal Answers Roosevelt Island Residents Questions On Playground Renovations For Summer, Octagon Soccer Field Fencing, Tree Removal And Enforcing Dog Poop Rules
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal answers your questions in this sixth installment of Hey Susan feature.
Here's just one example of a dog owner ignoring signage right in front of him prohibiting dogs on grass
An occasional column of questions and answers to and from RIOC President and CEO Susan Rosenthal
What is the latest update on the playground updates and repairs? Weren’t there plans to enlarge the playground and redo the sandbox last fall? With summer coming and the kids outside all day, it would be a shame to close them for renovations now. Is there any plans to revise the kids’ sprinklers which could use a major overhaul as well given the rocky sharp surfaces and the poor drainage?
SUSAN: The landscape architecture consultant hired to prepare drawings for improvements needed in the park is currently doing their analysis and inventory of needs. One part of the plan is to replace the sandbox with new “climbing” equipment. Once the analysis is complete, the consultant will make recommendations for work to be included in the contract. We have scheduled design work to finish late summer so the construction work can take place in the fall, when the kids are back in school.
Is it true that RIOC is going to permanently fence in the Octagon Soccer Field and remove about 10 trees?
SUSAN: The design for Octagon Soccer field include a low 3’-6” fence along the south and west sides of the field to keep the ball on the field of play. The fence along the west side will have a 76’ opening at the center of the field for access. There are seven trees in poor condition that will be removed. These trees will be impacted by the excavation work needed to make the paths ADA accessible. We are also planting ten trees as part of the work for this contract.
RI's residents allow their dogs to poop in the small park located in front of Piccolo Trattoria pizzeria. Residents ignore the 3-4 signs that are very well located around this area. On this regard, what can you do? Can RIOC place bigger signs? Can you introduce fines to dog's owner?
SUSAN: We will speak with our public safety officers about strictly enforcing the rules about dog waste and request they issue summons as appropriate. We can also analyze which sites have the most offenders and install additional signage and/or dog waste bag dispensers, as needed.
Do you have a question you’d like to have answered by RIOC President & CEO Susan Rosenthal? Send it to the subject HEY SUSAN! at information@rioc.ny.gov. Want to report a problem? Send us feedback at rioc.ny.gov/Requesttracker.aspx.
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