Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Giant Roosevelt Island RI Monument Sign Removed From Tram Station Yesterday - For How Long, What Will The Tourists Do Without The Photo Opportunity?

The Twitterverse asked When is the garish RI monument sign coming down?

As I was walking past the Roosevelt Island Tram Station yesterday, I was thrilled to see the Giant RI Monument Eyesore sign being removed and placed on a truck to be carted away

Is it possible that this useless visual obstruction, intended by Hudson Related and Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC), for tourists to take pictures with it for an "Instagram" moment,

will be gone forever?

It was so nice walking to the Tram today and not seeing the Giant RI.

Image From Stephen Quandt

Did the RIOC Board Directors finally exercise some backbone and tell Hudson Related and RIOC that the Giant RI Monument sign evaluation period is over and time to get rid of it?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. According to RIOC President Susan Rosenthal, the Giant RI Monument:
... was removed for repairs...
and will return.

Oh crap!