Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Roosevelt Island Sportspark Pool Shut Down Because Lifeguards Quit And NY State Hiring Freeze Prevents New Hires But Will Open As Soon As Possible Says RIOC President - Swimmers Start Petition Asking Pool Reopen Without Delay

Reported last Friday that on the previous day:

... Roosevelt Island swimmers were disappointed to learn without any advance notice that the Sportspark Park is closing effective immediately....

In reply to my question asking reason for the Sportspark pool closing, a Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) spokesperson explained:

Now that we have entered the Fall season, we are reevaluating pool operations and are currently in a transition phase with staffing.

I followed up:

Does that mean the pool is closed because RIOC does not have enough staff to operate it?

Yesterday, I spoke with Acting RIOC President Shelton Haynes about the Sportspark pool closing and followed up today:

Based on our talk yesterday, I want to make sure info about pool is accurate. The pool was closed because of staffing shortages. 2 lifeguards quit and the State has imposed a hiring freeze that prevents RIOC from replacing the lifeguards at this time. Is that accurate? Is there any other reason the pool cannot open? Any idea when the pool will reopen?
Mr Haynes repled:

We did in fact lose two lifeguards the same week. RIOC will be hiring to replace those positions ASAP. Once we have adequate staffing and ensure they are properly trained. We will reopen the pool. Our goal is to open the pool ASAP.

Today, Sportspark pool users created an online petition asking RIOC to reopen the pool without delay.

You can sign the Petition here.