Tuesday, August 24, 2021

88 Year Old Woman Was One Of 2 Roosevelt Island Residents Hit By Car While Walking In Crosswalk on Main Street In Separate Incidents This Weekend And Taken To Hospital

Last Saturday night a Roosevelt Island Tipster sent this picture


Happening on Main Street. Lots of NYPD and PSD
Yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Information Officer Amy Smith and Public Safety Department (PSD) Chief Kevin Brown:

Was there a traffic accident on Main Street with a car hitting a pedestrian Saturday or Sunday night.

Do you have any details? Any injuries or arrests?

No answer from RIOC, but the PSD Daily Incident report shows:

2243- 08/21/21- 576 Main St- Aided/Vehicle Accident- PSD/EMS/NYPD RespondedTransported to Hospital.

Another Tipster reports:

A car, driven by a young male driver, didn’t stop at the Deli’s stop sign or at the Cleaner’s stop sign and hit a woman as she was crossing the street. This happened during the storm on Saturday. 

One person from the car got out and tried to move the woman who was lying on the street while the driver was trying to go around the woman to escape. 

PSD came and held the traffic and the car and driver, all the neighbors that were trying to cross the street and saw it, kindly stayed to give their account of events to PSD.

 I do not know if NYPD showed up or not, but these guys should have been arrested. The noise when the car hit the woman was loud, the car was speeding, and the woman was crossing where she should have: at the zebras.

According to a NYPD spokesperson today:

On Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 2230hrs, police officers responded to the vicinity of 576 Main Street within the confines of the 114th Precinct. Upon arrival, it was reported to police that a 49-year-old male was operating a 2019 Chevrolet when he struck a 33-year-old female pedestrian who was attempting to cross the street. EMS responded and transported the female to Mount Sinai Hospital and the operator of the vehicle was issued a summons for failing to yield to a pedestrian.

 The NYPD spokesperson adds:

On Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 1420hrs, police officers responded to the vicinity of 523 Main Street within the confines of the 114 Precinct. It was reported to police that a 24-year-old male was operating a 2021 toyota when he struck a 88-year-old female pedestrian who was walking in the crosswalk. Roosevelt Island Public Safety issued a summons to the operator and the female was removed to NY Presbyterian Hospital.
UPDATE 8/25 - Roosevelt Island residents react to the hit by car incidents last weekend:
  • Cars don’t stop. They roll through STOP signs, I have seen the Red bus, PSD, delivery trucks do it, daily! I think it’s time for speed bumps! We now have motorized bikes, scooters Vespas driving on the promenades! Any thing motorized belongs on the street. Unless your 12 and under!
  • Yes!! I am getting afraid Every time I cross the street..I have been almost hit more than once!
  • We need more patrolling of bikes and cars- a lot more near misses than ever. And more visible stop signs
  • They need to slow down! People don’t abide by the crosswalk driving there.
  • I’m concerned that now that we are becoming a NYC hotspot with the Panorama Room we will have people driving onto the island and drinking. Public Safety needs to be diligent about traffic after dark.