Update On 78 Year Old (Not 88) Roosevelt Island Woman Hit By Car Last Sunday, Broken Wrist And Shoulder And Still In Hospital - RIOC Needs To Do Something About Drivers Not Stopping On Main Street Says Friend And Praises PSD Officers And Neighbors Who Helped Victim
An update to August 24 story about 2 separate weekend incidents last Saturday and Sunday of cars hitting Roosevelt Island pedestrians as they were walking in the Main Street crosswalk.
A friend of the woman who was hit on Sunday reports that the victim was 78 years of age, not 88, as reported by NYPD and adds more info as to what happened:According to the friend, the victim's:
... left wrist was broken in the accident. Her shoulder is also broken and her foot was damaged, i.e., bleeding and red and swollen, but not broken thank goodness.
Her accident happened on Sunday around 2:30/3:00ish. She was on the west side of the street and crossed in the crosswalk by the beauty salon going over to the northbound bus to go down to Foodtown. She got more than half way across when a car didn't stop at the stop sign. He was a young man with an out-of-state license. He ran over her foot and hit the side of her body. In addition to the broken bones, one side of her body is very bruised and black/blue/purple. She's in the Hospital now and will be going to a rehab facility from there because at this point she's unable to come directly home without physical therapy.
She doesn't think the driver was speeding. He just didn't stop.
She said Public Safety was right there and very solicitous. She was half sitting and half lying on the ground and one of the PSD Officers put his legs behind her and stood there so she could lean on him and not fall down completely. They got the name and address of the driver, but no insurance information. I'm not sure whether the police are supposed to get that information or it's confidential so I'm not faulting them for that.
She said people were terrific. The rain was really coming down and people stood over her holding umbrellas so she wouldn't get too wet. Makes you feel good about the neighborhood. But RIOC really needs to do something about drivers not stopping. I think putting back the speed bumps and the stop sign stanchions would be a pretty good start. They did give him a summons.
I'll never understand why RIOC ever got rid of the speed bumps we used to have. And those stop sign stanchions in the middle of the street made it easier for drivers to realize they were supposed to stop. I know they got rid of those because trucks used to keep knocking them over, but I have to believe they could have found a solution to that.
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) daily Public Safety report listed the incident as:
08/22/21 – 1453 – 510 Main St – Aided /Vehicle Accident – Aided transported to hospital – Summons issued to motorist.
More info about this incident and the one on Saturday at this earlier post including NYPD report.