Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Roosevelt Island Job Fair Friday August 27 At Good Shepherd Plaza Featuring 14 Businesses Including Trader Joe's, Cornell Tech, Graduate Hotel Among Others - Resume Review Help, Interview Tips/Counselors, & Endless Rack Free Interview Clothing Too

The Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) is a hosting a job fair Friday August 27 at Good Shepherd Plaza featuring 14 businesses and companies in attendance including:

  • Trader Joe's,
  • Cornell Tech,
  • Graduate Hotel,
  • Cornell Cafe and
  • ShopRite among others
According to RISA Vice President Andrea Jackson:

RISA is hosting this JOB FAIR in an effort to help restore the integrity of the economic shortfalls of our Wonderful Community! The core messages that we are sending are community is revitalization, empowerment, unity and sustainability. We are excited to bring this venue to the community as the first ever JOB FAIR in the Roosevelt Island Community.

Our community although resilient in appearance, some have developed sedentary lifestyles as well as financial setbacks. Our mission is to provide employment for those that need additional funds to defray the cost associated with their loss of income and any additional domestic needs.  

This forum will provided 

  • Resume Reviews, 
  • Interview Counselors, 
  • Interview tips and
  • Work culture advisors. 

There will be resources and employers with Job opportunities that will range from retail to home based businesses.  

We will have an on-site resource called the “Endless Rack” where we will provide clothing to conduct an interview via Zoom, Video or in person. We invite the community to take advantage of this great opportunity. 

Friday, August 27, 2021 

“JOB FAIR” 9 AM - 5 PM in The Good Shepard Plaza 

15 Employment Agencies & Businesses 

“The Endless Rack” Free clothing for your Zoom, Video, or live Interview.  

Resume Reviews, Career Counselors & Interview Tips

Ms Jackson spoke about the upcoming Job Fair during July 31 RISA Summerfest Community Celebration.