Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Virtual Zoom Meeting Thursday February 17 - Learn About RIOC Capital Projects, Coler Task Force Update, Roosevelt Island Bridge Bike Lane Resurfacing & Nellie Bly Girl Puzzle Presentation By Sculptor Amanda Mathews

The Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island (RI) Committee

... addresses issues facing Roosevelt Island such as the protective seawall on the island and land lease that is held by New York State. This committee meets on an as needed basis on the third Thursday of the month.
  • Lynne Strong-Shinozaki, Chair 
  • Paul Krikler 
  • Sharon Pope-Marshall 
  • Barbara Rudder
The CB8 RI Committee is meeting Thursday, February 8 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. The Agenda items are:
  1. Presentation by Amanda Matthews Sculptor of “Girl Puzzle” 
  2. Update on Capital Projects from Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation 
  3. Update on Coler Taskforce 
  4. Status of Resurfacing on Roosevelt Island Bridge 
  5. Old Business 
  6. New Business
Click here to receive access for the Zoom meeting.

Here's video from the last CB 8 RI Committee meeting last November 18.