Monday, February 14, 2022

In The Footsteps Of Nellie Bly Free Virtual Zoom Lecture Tuesday February 15 With Author Rosemary Brown And Girl Puzzle Sculptor Amanda Mathews Hosted By Roosevelt Island Historical Society And NYPL Roosevelt Island Branch

The Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) and New York Public Library Roosevelt Island branch are hosting a free virtual lecture - In The Footsteps of Nellie Blly - via Zoom on Tuesday February 15 at 6:30 PM.

According to the Roosevelt Island NY Public Library branch:

Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 6:30 - 8 PM

A celebration of the life and legacy of Nellie Bly – journalist, adventurer and humanitarian – on the centennial of her death (January 27, 1922) with a focus on her record-breaking race around the world declared ‘the most remarkable of all feats of circumnavigation ever performed by a human being,’ by The New York World, 1890.   

Rosemary J Brown is a London-based journalist and author of Following Nellie Bly: Her Record-Breaking Race Around the World (Pen and Sword Books, 2021) where she re-traced Bly’s epic 72-day journey to pay tribute to the pioneering woman now commemorated in the recently inaugurated The Girl Puzzle monument on Roosevelt Island. Brown is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with a quest to get female adventurers ‘back on the map.’

Rosemary will be joined by Amanda Matthews, the sculptor of "The Girl Puzzle'' located on Roosevelt Island.  Amanda is an award-winning sculptor and designer of public art and the space it inhabits.  She is also a public speaker and the CEO of Prometheus Art, a Design/Build Firm owned with her partner/husband, Brad Connell, located in Lexington, KY. Matthews’ work reflects a commitment to women, fairness, civil rights, and lifting muted and marginalized voices.  She designs large-scale monuments and installations with emphasis on accessibility for all people. Her work recognizes and honors the plight of women, those who are marginalized, the LGBTQ+ community, and others who are still seeking equal rights and representation.

Register here to attend the lecture

As reported December 12, 2021:

The ribbon cutting and opening ceremony of last Friday's "The Girl Puzzle" monument honoring journalist Nelly Bly at Lighthouse Park is not only a local Roosevelt Island story.

"The Girl Puzzle" Nelly Bly monument, designed by Amanda Mathews, is also a national story and was covered by the CBS Saturday Morning TV program. Watch the video, it's well done and informative.

Also, here are the remarks of Ms Mathews at "The Girl Puzzle" ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremony on Friday December 11, 2021.

More on "The Girl Puzzle" at this prior post.