Thursday, February 17, 2022

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Looking Forward To Ride On Roosevelt Island Tram And Discussing RIOC Board Issues With Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright - Tram Is One Of NYC's Great Attractions Says Mayor Adams

City & State political reporter Jeff Coltin  tweeted last week:

That's right. 

During the February 9 NY State Assembly budget hearings, Roosevelt Island's Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright asked NYC Mayor Eric Adams: 

... As far as Roosevelt Island, it's governed by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation. As Mayor, you have appointments to that Board and for several years now there has been no woman appointed to the Roosevelt Island Board. So who is the point person on your team that I could sit down with and meet to review the composition of that Board...

Mayor Adams replied: 

... Let's take a trip out to Roosevelt Island together. You know, I'm looking forward to that Tram ride. I think it's one of the greatest attractions we have in the city. We can do a real analysis of the concerns there. You should reach out to Deputy Mayor Maria Torres Springer to talk about the Board and moving forward....

As reported January 24, Ms Seawright and State Senator Jose Serrano introduced legislation regarding appointment of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Directors. The legislation was approved by the State Assembly. 

 According to this February 14 press release from Ms Seawright's office:

The New York State Assembly approved Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright's legislation that will allow residents to have a majority vote on the governing board of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation.

The measure is part of a series of reforms to bring great accountability and transparency to the board, which serves more than 12,000 residents. Under the Seawright legislation, five of the nine appointees to the board must reside on the island. The governor appoints four resident board members. The mayor appoints one resident board member.

The approved measure now goes to the Senate, where a similar action is under the sponsorship of State Senator José Serrano.

"I'm pleased that the voice of the residents of Roosevelt Island will not only be heard but also be a force on the board for constructive change," said Seawright. "We are one step closer to achieving that goal. Given the Roosevelt Island community's unique governance structure under a State Public Benefit Corporation, resident perspectives and voices must be represented on RIOC's board of directors."

Other provisions would:

  • Clarify the residency requirement for certain public appointments to the Board of Directors of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation and stipulate for their immediate resignation from the board upon the termination of such residency;
  • Provide for the appointment of a successor within 60 days when a board vacancy occurs within an unexpired term;
  • Require the posting of job vacancies on the corporation's website.

A separate bill sponsored by both legislators would also require residency for the corporation's Chief Executive Officer. A non-resident Chief Executive Officer would be required to relocate to the island within one year of appointment.

A long time Roosevelt Island resident adds:

... about Mayor Adams & the Tram. I sure hope someone on his Team tells him it’s more than just an “attraction”.
Well, even Jerry Seinfeld thinks of the Roosevelt Island Tram as an amusement attraction.


Roosevelt Island is looking forward to seeing Mayor Adams on the Tram and learning more about our unique little community.

But, Mayor Adams, like everyone else, will not be able to use the MTA OMNY to get on the Roosevelt Island Tram as reported here.