Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Application Deadline To Represent Roosevelt Island On Manhattan Community Board 8 Extended To March 15 - Submit Your Application To Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine

Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB8M): 

... represents the Upper East Side of Manhattan and Roosevelt Island. CB8M is comprised of 50 volunteer members who serve as advocates and service coordinators for the community and its residents, as well as help citizens resolve municipal service delivery complaints. 

CB8M reviews and makes recommendations on various issues, including applications for Zoning Text Amendments, building variances and special permits, liquor licenses, sidewalk cafes and street fairs, changes to landmarked buildings or buildings in historic districts, traffic and transportation issues, and more.

Today's deadline to submit your application to join CB 8

 was extended to March 15.

 Community Board 8 includes a Roosevelt Island committee. Among the Agenda Items 

during the February 17, 2022 Roosevelt Island committee meeting was a Capital Projects presentation by Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Assistant Director of Capital Planning Prince Shah. 

Click here to view the RIOC presentation.

Recently, there has developed some confusion, even controversy, about who best represents the interests of the Roosevelt Island community between the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council (members elected by the residents of their buildings) and the CB 8 Roosevelt Island Committee (members appointed by the Manhattan Borough President).

More to come on this subject.