Roosevelt Island Operating Corp On A Hiring Binge, Seeking To Fill 9 Positions Including Communications, Deputy General Counsel, Government Liason, Public Safety Lieutenant & Sergeant, Bus Mechanic, Motorpool Supervisor & Special Assistant
According to the Indeed job listing site, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) is seeking to fill the following positions.
Click here to the Indeed job site for more info and to apply.
These positions were not published on the RIOC website careers page.
It's unknown whether the job listings for Assistant Vice President of Communications and Communications Director means that the current remaining RIOC Communication Team, led by Erica Spencer-El, are being fired or shifted to another RIOC job.
UPDATE 3/3 - As of the end of January, Juan Tejada, shown in the video, was no longer part of the RIOC Communications team or employed by RIOC.