Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Watch The Spectacular View Of July 4 Independence Day Fireworks Celebration On Roosevelt Island From FDR Park, Rooftop Panorama Cocktail Bar, East River Promenade And Manhattan Park - Tasty Offerings From Food Trucks, Plenty Of Bathrooms & Efficient Security Made For A Very Enjoyable Night

The view of the July 4 Macy's Independence Day Fireworks celebration from Roosevelt Island was spectacular whether you were among the 1500 with tickets to the free event at FDR Four Freedoms Park (watch this 4 minute finale),

on the East River waterfront promenade facing Queens just outside of the Southpoint Park entrance (thank you Eva Bosbach for the video),

at the Graduate Hotel Panoram Room rooftop cocktail bar paying $250 - $1700 or

from a Manhattan Park building rooftop.
Before the Fireworks started people were picnicking and relaxing on the Cornell Tech campus hilltop, playing soccer and enjoying the treats from a variety of Food Trucks.
After the fireworks were over, it took only about 40 minutes for the crowds to safely and quickly leave Roosevelt Island by Tram and Subway.

Excellent job by the folks at RIOC, NYPD and MTA organizing a safe and enjoyable Roosevelt Island July 4 Fireworks celebration.

UPDATE 7/8 - According to a RIOC spokesperson, approximately 6800 people attended the Roosevelt Island July 4 Fireworks celebration in the Cornell Tech area and Four Freedoms Park.