Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Largest NYC Snowfall In Two Years Today, Only 3 Inches But Roosevelt Island Kids Still Had Fun Sledding On Cornell Tech Hill - More On RIOC Snow Removal, Central Park & NYC Schools Remote Learning Problems

It's been over two years without any significant snowfall for NYC. The weather forecast for today was between 5-8 inches but we only got a bit more than 3 inches. Still, that was enough for Roosevelt Island kids to get their sleds out and enjoy the hills on the Cornell Tech campus.

Today, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Communications Director Bryant Daniels:

Any comment from RIOC on today's street and sidewalk snow plowing operations?

Why were car owners not told to clear their street parking spots so that the plows could clear the entire street?

Were there any problem areas for snow clearing?

Mr Daniels replied:

The RIOC Grounds Team has been working hard on the snow removal efforts all day. This storm presented some challenges in that the forecast changed pretty significantly over the last 24-48 hours, going from a predicted 1-2 inches to 5-8 in a relatively short timeframe. Because the storm tracking and projected snow totals were a bit unclear up until yesterday, PSD and Operations didn’t think there was enough advanced notice to ask motorists to move their cars, so we’re working around that. No major issues to report.
And Central Park is always beautiful in the snow.

But there were huge problems with the NYC Schools remote learning today.

How was your day?