Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy A Devastating Storm For New York City Reports Mayor Bloomberg - What About Roosevelt Island RIOC?

Roosevelt Island Rivercross Tree Down From Hurricane Sandy

Earlier this morning, I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis and Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez:
Any comment or statement regarding damage to Roosevelt Island from Hurricane Sandy?

When will the Tram and Roosevelt Island Bridge be back in service?

I have been told that the power in Coler Hospital is out. Is that true?

Any details on Public Safety incidents from yesterday?

Also, happy to include any other comment or statement you may wish to communicate with the Roosevelt Island community on regarding Hurricane Sandy.

Thank you
Received this response from RIOC's Press Spokesperson:
RIOC intends to continue to keep the Roosevelt Island community apprised of relevant Sandy related events through our public advisories.
Mayor Bloomberg reported that Hurricane Sandy was:
... a devastating storm, maybe the worst we have ever experienced...

An Octagon resident reports:
Octagon lost power about 830pm last night and we are still without it. Our family is fine, hoping for restoration soon and napping the time away.

There is a huge tree uprooted outside the building, and people (kids too!) are walking around out there. Very unsafe due to remaining high winds and loose branches or limbs.
Be careful everyone and I recommend staying indoors for a while longer.

Be safe!
Another Roosevelt Island resident adds:
So far no tram. Just investigated myself. I see a lot of people walking over the 59th street bridge though. Duane reade and gristedes are open. But no starbucks. Rivercross blue wing lost power but not orange or yellow and in Eastwood/Roosevelt landing only 510 lost power.

From what I hear island house and westview are fine. Water went way up into tot lot and a lot of trees are down over there, big trees.
UPDATE 12:45 PM - Roosevelt Island NY State Assembly Member Micah Kellner tweets:
UPDATE 1:13 PM - Here's a summary of current Roosevelt Island conditions from RIOC:
Please be advised we are continuing to assess damage to the Island as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Below is a summary of the current conditions of the Island:

We are aware that Lighthouse Park experienced substantial flooding. There is damage to multiple Island trees, and certain locations on the Island are without power, including the Octagon and Coler Hospital. In addition, several Island street lights are out of service.

We note that Lighthouse Park, Southpoint Park and Four Freedoms Park remain closed and we implore Island residents and visitors not to attempt to circumvent the closure of these parks.

We are in the process of inspecting the Tram and monitoring road conditions, and expect to restore both Tram and Red Bus service, and also reopen the parks, as soon as it is safe to do so. We will immediately advise the public when the parks will reopen and when Tram and Red Bus Service is restored.

The NYC Department of Transportation has reopened the Roosevelt Island Bridge.

We are pleased to note we have not received any reports of injuries incurred on the Island as a result of the storm.

We will keep the community informed of relevant Sandy related developments as we learn of the same.

For additional information, please call Public Safety at 212-832-4545. In the event that the phone line is busy, please use the following alternate numbers: 917-541-9156 or

Only use 9-1-1 for true emergencies.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
UPDATE 1:45 PM -Roosevelt Island resident Eva B reports:
Starbucks still closed - We are in front of their door and this is what it says

Riverwalk Bar, Nonnos and Fuji are open, as well as the Duane Reade.
Another resident reports that Trellis, Gristedes and China 1 are open too.

UPDATE 2PM - Unconfirmed by RIOC but a reliable source informs me that the Roosevelt Island Tram and Red Bus will be operating by 4 PM today.

UPDATE 3 PM - RIOC confirms that Tram and Red Bus operating by 4 PM today.
We are pleased to note that both Red Bus and Tram service will be restored today at 4:00 PM. We note that due to flooding Red Bus service will not extend to Southpoint Park. The bus will turn around at Sportspark and proceed northbound.

For additional information, please call Public Safety at 212-832-4545. In the event that the phone line is busy, please use the following alternate numbers: 917-541-9156 or

Only use 9-1-1 for true emergencies.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
UPDATE 3:40 PM - RIOC reports that Tram will be free today and tomorrow.