Sunday, October 28, 2012

Latest Update For Roosevelt Island On Hurricane Sandy Approaching New York City - Mayor Bloomberg Orders Evacuation Of Zone A, Roosevelt Island Is Zone B

Earlier this morning, I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis and Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez:
Any statement from RIOC regarding preparations for Hurricane Sandy including plans for Tram and Roosevelt Island Bridge?
Received this advisory from RIOC:
Please be advised due to expected severe weather conditions, the MTA has suspended all subway, and commuter rail service citywide as of tonight at 7:00 PM. MTA bus service will be suspended tonight at 9PM. Currently, there is no estimated time for service restoration.

Red Bus and Tram service will continue until further notice.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
RIOC VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez reports:
RIOC has established its Emergency Command Center at PSD, and is coordinating with NYC OEM. We have also undertaken the necessary preparations of equipment and infrastructure on the Island.  For up to the minute information, we recommend that residents sign-up for the RIOC Advisories at or to contact PSD at 212-832-4545.
Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Building management (Hudson Related) sent the following message to its residents:
If you are receiving this message, your building has NOT been identified as a building in Zone A by the Office of Emergency Management and you will not, at the moment, have to evacuate.  However, depending on the impact of the storm over the course of the next few days, major building systems MAY need to be shutdown or will shutdown due to power outages.  As a result, we urge you to stay in your apartment and avoid using the elevators.  As new information is available, we will, of course, keep you apprised.  Thank you for your cooperation.
NYC Office of Emergency Management (OEM) tweets:
Roosevelt Island is Zone B.

Here's map of the Evacuation Zone A area and latest from Mayor Bloomberg on preparations for Hurricane Sandy.

More on Hurricane Sandy from earlier post.

Will provide updates as they come in.

Stay safe and be prepared.

UPDATE 4:40 PM - A Roosevelt Island resident reports at 3:06 PM:
Just got an email from my building manager an the tram will close tonight at 9pm. The bridge will remain open unless winds reach 60mph ad then the bridge will shut down as well
and RIOC's latest advisory:
Please be advised RIOC has established an Emergency Command Center at the Public Safety Department (550 Main Street) and has made all necessary arrangements to prepare the Island in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

We currently intend to suspend Tram and Red Bus operations at 9:00 p.m. If, however, the storm hits earlier than expected and requires an earlier suspension of services we will have to do so and will provide immediate notice of the same.

The Roosevelt Island Bridge falls under the jurisdiction of the NYC Department of Transportation ("DOT"). We understand that DOT intends to close the bridge if winds reach 60 mph.

For additional information, please call Public Safety at 212-832-4545. In the event that the phone line is busy, please use the following alternate numbers: 917-541-9156 OR 917- 541-9167.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Update 5:10 PM - Watch Hurricane Sandy from Roosevelt Island resident Mark Lyon's live webcam looking north from Manhattan Park showing Octagon, East River and Manhattan skyline.

UPDATE 5:55 PM - Live Webcam facing Roosevelt Island Tram Station too.