Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath - Roosevelt Island Donations At 475 Main Street Lobby Box and Tomorrow (Sunday) Morning In Front Of PS/IS 217

Reported last Thursday that:

...A reader with a very good idea asks:

I'm wondering if there will be any sort of Roosevelt Island collection? Like many people, we stocked up on water, candles, and dry goods. We could use these I guess, but I feel like there are probably a lot of people who NEED them way more that we do.

It'd be great to hear if anyone is organizing a collection - we'd love to donate our extras....
I've been advised of two opportunities for Roosevelt Island residents to donate goods.

A Southtown resident reports:
Some have been asking for a way to donate items they bought for storm preparation and I just wanted to let you know:
My building has boxes in the lobby collecting canned goods and clothing. It is the only location I've heard of so far. So if have things you want to drop off, come to 475 Main St!
and Assembly Member Micah Kellner tweets:
Items needed include:
Food, blankets, batteries, hygiene products, water, flashlights, diapers, socks hats, golves, and smiles are needed
Roosevelt Island NYC Council Member Jessica Lappin provides this list of volunteer opportunities this weekend.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered this week or have asked what they can do this weekend.  While power has now been restored to the Lower East Side, there are still thousands of New Yorkers who need our help.  We are continuing to focus our efforts on food and water distribution, canvassing, and cleanup.

If you have a car with gasoline in the tank, please consider going to Staten Island, the Far Rockaways, Red Hook or Coney Island this weekend.  The devastation and loss in those communities is heartbreaking.

Below is a selected list of volunteer options for the weekend.  Whichever one you choose, please be patient. Needs on the ground can shift quickly.  A large group of volunteers can arrive all at once.  Organizers may ask you to walk or drive somewhere else.  If that happens, please remember that everyone is doing their best to help.

Bring your own food and water for personal consumption.  Dress warmly.  Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight and backpack.

Jessica Lappin

Activity: Far Rockaway Food Distribution
Location: Council Member Sanders District Office, 234-26 A Merrick Blvd, Laurelton, New York 11422
Dates and Times: Saturday and Sunday, 11AM-3PM

Activity: Coney Island Food Distribution and Senior Canvassing
Location: 2770 West 5th Rm 4C (Warbath Houses)
Dates and Times: Saturday and Sunday, 10:30AM - 5PM

Activity: Staten Island Food and Water Distibution
Location: Crossroads Church @ the Lane Theater 168 New Dorp Lane
Time: Saturday and Sunday, 12-6pm

Activity: Staten Island Cleanup (Coordinated through Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis office)
Location: Ceder Grove Ave and Wavecrest Street, Staten Island
Time– cleanup: Saturday - 9am-5PM

Activity: Red Hook Food Distribution, NYCHA canvassing and cleanup
Location:767 Hicks Street (Red Hook Recovers)
Time: Saturday and Sunday, 10AM-6PM

Activity: East Village Food Distribution and Senior Canvassing
Location: GOALS 169 Ave. B
Time: Saturday and Sunday, 11-5PM

Activity: Lower East Side Food and Water Distibution
Location: 200 Madison Street
Time: Saturday, starting at 10AM