Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Roosevelt Island Wildlife, No Bear Or Mountain Lion But Baby Rocky Raccoon Spotted Scampering Across Rivercross Lawn Today - Common Sense Tip From Wildlife Freedom Foundation, Do Not Try To Chase Or Shoo The Raccoon Away

The Roosevelt Island twitterverse reports a raccoon scampering across Rivercross lawn today.

The Wildlife Freedom Foundation (WFF) replied with wise advice.

The Roosevelt Island based WFF is a:
... non-profit 501c(3) organization specializing in the rescue and placement of pets, wildlife rehabilitation of injured birds and mammals and advocating to protect, preserve wildlife in New York City. We are registered with the State Of New York, Dept. Of Agriculture And Markets, Registration No.: RR350.

More info on WFF available at their website.

Roosevelt Island does have our share of NYC wildlife. Fortunately, we don't have to worry about bears roaming our parks and streets.

Or mountain lions.