Roosevelt Island Manhattan Park Sidewalk Plaza Areas Are Private Property That Building Management Can Use For Parking As It Wishes Say RIOC Public Safety Deputy Chief - Manhattan Park Says Parking Is Temporary Until Motorgate Repairs Complete
Residents at the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Park apartments have been complaining about the use of the Plaza sidewalk areas
adjacent to their buildings being used as a parking lot
During the October 19 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) meeting, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso advised the PSC that:
... The management offices can park on their property. We have no say whether it's Manhattan Park, Rivercross, they can park their vehicles on their property. It's how they access their property that we have a say....
Manhattan Park residents reacted on this Roosevelt Islander Instagram post about this subject:
- I think it sucks. It was a lovely plaza with a lovely view that now looks like shit and creates a dangerous situation with cars driving where there shouldn't be cars. And just because the property is "private" property doesn't mean it is, or should be okay. There are often zoning laws, and there should be here, that could prevent this kind of use of property, private or otherwise. The whole Island is going to hell on a handbasket.
- No cars are going on the green area. If I understand, this is the paved area in between buildings in Manhattan park. I don’t see hoe anyone can use that for recreation. Or how it has anything to do with the Octagon. As a resident, the only thing that I am concerned about is that these cars are not driving on the promenade.
- I think it sucks. It was a lovely plaza with a lovely view that now looks like shit and creates a dangerous situation with cars driving where there shouldn't be cars. And just because the property is "private" property doesn't mean it is, or should be okay. There are often zoning laws, and there should be here, that could prevent this kind of use of property, private or otherwise. The whole Island is going to hell on a handbasket.
- This shows a total disregard from @manhattanparkapartments to its residents. These areas are not meant for parking. The amount of cars is out of control. Since when is it acceptable to have cars driving on the sidewalks and blocking stairs??
Manhattan Park building management answered on Instagram:
The parking on the site is temporary while motor gate garage is under going repairs. We apologize for any inconvenience.
According to this screenshot from September 29 RIOC President's Report presentation, the Motorgate repairs are 99% complete.
Will the "temporary" Manhattan Park sidewalk plaza parking be removed with the completion of Motorgate garage repairs?