Roosevelt Island Girls Scouts Take Action And Make Video Encouraging You And All New Yorkers To Go Out And Vote Early Or On November 2 Election Day - Watch Video And Go Vote
Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3233 Leaders Suzy del Campo Perea and Fay Christian report:
Girl Scouts Troop 3233, composed of girls of 3rd and 4th grade, decided to Take Action and be vote promoters by making this video.
Our troop had learned about democracy by getting a ballot to vote for the best Girl Scout cookie flavor and best Girl Scout activity. They also had the visit of RI children’s author Jill Twiss, who read to them her book “Everyone Gets A Say”. Last week they learned about the three branches of USA Government and about what seats are up for this elections.
The troop wrote what they wanted to communicate to New Yorkers about this election and why it is important to vote. We discussed what government positions adults have to vote for and research which are the ballot proposals of 2021.
We hope that this short video will encourage all Roosevelt Islanders and New Yorkers to look into the candidates, understand what they will do for the city and their responsibilities and that they go out and vote, either early voting or on Election Day.
New York City 2021 General Election Early Voting began Saturday October 23 continuing thru Sunday October 31 at the Sportspark Gymnasium (250 Main Street). Election Day voting is Tuesday, November 2 at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street).
Roosevelt Island sample ballot is here.
Jill Twiss, the author who helped inspire Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts about voting reads from her book Everyone Gets A Say.
UPDATE 10/29 - According to the Cornell Tech Cafe:
Show proof of your participation in early voting here on Roosevelt Island and get a free cider doughnut with any purchase at The Cafe’ & Parliament Coffee Bar! While supplies last through Sunday, 10/31