Friday, February 11, 2022

Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Cookie Booth At Farmers Market Saturday February 12 - Order Online Too And Help Support Our Local Girl Scout Troops

Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3233 Leaders Suzy del Campo Perea reports

Say it with Girl Scout cookies this Valentines!
Do you have your Super Bowl snacks ready?

Come over to the Farmers Market this Saturday February 12th from 10:30 till the cookies last.

Girl Scouts Troop 3233 of RI, the youngest of all, will have Girl Scout Cookies available for sale at the Farmers Market.

Due to health and safety concerns, Girl Scouts are not going door to door offering our delicious Samoas, Thin Mints and S’mores, but we will have them available for you cause we can’t leave our faithful Islander supporters with out their long awaited cookies.

There are more Cookie Booth sales coming up. So look us up at the Farmers Market!

You can also order online GS Cookies from one of the 4 troops of RI. Each purchase helps the troop accomplish their goals, like going camping, special field trips, and every donated cookie will go directly to Coler Hospital and RIDA Food Pantry.
To order online, here are the links in order from the youngest to the oldest Girl Scout Troops:

Feel free to reach out with any questions and thank you in advance for your help!! 

Brownie & Juniors (3rd and 4th graders)

Juniors & Cadettes (5th and 6th graders)

Cadettes (Middle School) 

Seniors (High School) 

For anyone interested joining the Girl Scouts or for a special order, please email