Rarely, If Ever, Occupied RIOC Public Safety Department Booth Near Entrance To Roosevelt Island Subway Station Removed Today Without Any Explanation
The area in and around the Roosevelt Island subway station has seen several incidents of harassment and violence recently including a stabbing resulting in attempted murder charges and a mentally disturbed person threatening to kill a 4 year old girl.
Today, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) removed
the rarely, if ever, occupied Public Safety Department booth near the entrance to the Roosevelt Island subway station, without any explanation.
The Public Safety Booth near the subway station was installed in June 2011.
A reader commented on Roosevelt Islander Instagram post today:
There was never anyone in there from inception of the booth.
More Instagram comments about safety in the area around the subway from January 21 :
- Public Safety needs to do more than just stand around the plaza on Main Street. They need to patrol everywhere. What is the point of that police guard station and nobody in it.
- My dad was threatened by a man inside and outside the subway last Saturday.
- Noticable increase in homeless and mentally ill on trains and in stations. Police presence is only fruitful if officers and mental health professionals are empowered to act and if there are treatment and relocation options. In the meantime police could patrol, identify and provide public safety support. NOT by standing around or sitting in a booth but by engaging people, talking and when necessary arresting. There's a hell of a lot more to public safety than being a crossing guard or writing parking tickets.
- I’ve complained about the number of homeless individuals at the station to deaf ears.
- Maybe someone needs to make a u turn over there to get some attention