Waterfront Alliance Celebrates City Of Water Day Last Saturday On Roosevelt Island And Communities All Around NYC/NJ 520 Miles Of Coastline - Watch Roosevelt Island East River Shoreline Water Quality Test
According to The Waterfront Alliance:
City of Water Day
July 16, 2022
Located throughout the New York-New Jersey region
The 15th annual City of Water Day returns to the shores of the metropolitan region on Saturday, July 16, 2022. A celebration of the waters that surround us, and an opportunity to learn about the current and future impacts of climate change and sea level rise, City of Water Day is organized by the Waterfront Alliance, the NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP), and many other partners. From boat rides to kayaking, from water quality workshops to birdwatching walks, City of Water Day activities are free and open to all. Underscoring the importance of a resilient and equitably shared waterfront, dozens of shoreline communities in New York and New Jersey will produce satellite In Your Neighborhood events on July 16, City of Water Day.
For the first time in 15 years, Roosevelt Island hosted a City Of Water Day event
in front of the NYC Ferry Dock area.#cityofwaterday attendees participated in water quality tests at the shores of Roosevelt Island. Following the tests, our staff discussed why the results matter and how scientists use these tests to determine the health of the waterways. #estuaryexplorers pic.twitter.com/Nm5tDXOBkl
— Waterfront Alliance (@OurWaterfront) July 16, 2022
I spoke with Waterfront Alliance representative Mackenzie Pope who tells us about City Of Water Day and demonstrates Roosevelt Island East River shoreline water quality tests.
Learn more about the Waterfront Alliance at their website and Twitter Page.
The Twitterverse shows us more City Of Water Events from other local NYC/NJ waterfront communities.
Thank you @OurWaterfront, @NaturalAreasNYC, @JBRPC, and @RISERockaway for an awesome #CityOfWaterDay! pic.twitter.com/IS29UNYL7u
— Joseph Sutkowi (@jsutkowi) July 17, 2022
My first #CityOfWaterDay in the books! We had a blast out in Gowanus and Red Hook doing a walking tour along the canal and building a floating garden to give oxygen back to the water. Thanks to all the amazing volunteers and #InYourNeighborhood organizations who participated! pic.twitter.com/QsMFUct6H8
— Tyler Taba (@tylertabaWA) July 16, 2022
Great turnout for this event, despite heat, humidity, and a summer storm. My favorite part was watching attendees gather around the canal (after walking around for 2 hours) to watch minnows and a blue crab in the shallows. Life is returning to this Superfund site! #CityofWaterDay https://t.co/U6hyYdFPKc pic.twitter.com/JpX277iCgK
— Steve Koller (@stevenfkoller) July 16, 2022
Getting out for #cityofwaterday with @SouthBronxUnite & building community around waterfront access. Lincoln Avenue Street End in Port Morris is inaccessible & crumbling - time for NYC to invest, rebuild, & create new public spaces for the people. @OurWaterfront pic.twitter.com/1EgG2DvkYX
— Karen Imas (@KarenImasNYC) July 16, 2022
Our president and CEO @CortneyWorrall visited the Perth Amboy Green Team on the Passaic River for #cityofwaterday this morning.
— Waterfront Alliance (@OurWaterfront) July 16, 2022
This young boy never kayaked before and was the first of the day! What a great way to celebrate #ourwaterfront. pic.twitter.com/9JMSO4XDYl
The @newtown_creek Alliance hosted a paddle on the Dutch Kills with North Brooklyn Boathouse. Our VP of Programs @KarenImasNYC said “Such a cool experience that reinforces the need for public access”. #cityofwaterday pic.twitter.com/OeWy3RFlrJ
— Waterfront Alliance (@OurWaterfront) July 16, 2022
Amazing day with Coney Island Beautification today at #cityofwaterday! pic.twitter.com/KFEJjhLZTn
— Cortney Koenig Worrall (@CortneyWorrall) July 16, 2022
Great to see so many smiling faces enjoying Boogie Down to the Sound #CityofWaterDay @MaritimeCollege This celebration, of the waters that surround NYC, included opportunities for free kayaking, fishing with #ifishny, and #lisound sticker give away. #nycwaterfront #thebronx pic.twitter.com/uMI9dnZTUe
— LISS (@LISStudy) July 18, 2022
🚣🏾♂️ Had an incredibly fun & educational #CityofWaterDay w/@OurWaterfront, @NewtownCreek, @NorthBKBoatClub, & District Leader @BerkowitzNick in #LIC. I look forward to working w/them to champion climate resilient shorelines & environmental justice across #AD37 and all of #NY! pic.twitter.com/PNQvTfE6Ew
— Juan Ardila (@JuanArdilaNYC) July 16, 2022
Great Day with @passaicrivernj at #cityofwaterday! pic.twitter.com/UlfyzfnKmR
— Cortney Koenig Worrall (@CortneyWorrall) July 16, 2022