Friday, June 30, 2023

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Sits Down For One On One Interview About Roosevelt Island, He Supports Separate Tram Lines For Residents To Alleviate Overcrowding, Says Coler Hospital Is Not Closing - It's A Hidden Jewel And Wishes Gracie Mansion Could Be Moved To Roosevelt Island

This afternoon I had a 15 minute one on one interview with NYC Mayor Eric Adams. According to the Mayor:

... No matter what we do with Roosevelt Island, we should have the input of the residents  to determine their destiny. I think that's crucial and  I support how those who live there, who have made it a vibrant community, how they believe is the best way to run it....

We spoke about:

  • Extension of Roosevelt Island ground lease - it's a long way off he said.
  • RIOC Governance and Mayoral appointments to the RIOC Board.
  • Roosevelt Island Tram boarding preference for residents to alleviate overcrowding which he says is a good idea.
  • Future Status of Coler Hospital - it will remain open. Rumors of Coler closing are untrue.
  • Repair status of Steam Plant and tunnel,
  • Impressions of Roosevelt Island - Mayor Adams says it's a hidden jewel and would like to move Gracie Mansion here.