NYC Mayor Eric Adams Sits Down For One On One Interview About Roosevelt Island, He Supports Separate Tram Lines For Residents To Alleviate Overcrowding, Says Coler Hospital Is Not Closing - It's A Hidden Jewel And Wishes Gracie Mansion Could Be Moved To Roosevelt Island
This afternoon I had a 15 minute one on one interview with NYC Mayor Eric Adams. According to the Mayor:
... No matter what we do with Roosevelt Island, we should have the input of the residents to determine their destiny. I think that's crucial and I support how those who live there, who have made it a vibrant community, how they believe is the best way to run it....
We spoke about:
- Extension of Roosevelt Island ground lease - it's a long way off he said.
- RIOC Governance and Mayoral appointments to the RIOC Board.
- Roosevelt Island Tram boarding preference for residents to alleviate overcrowding which he says is a good idea.
- Future Status of Coler Hospital - it will remain open. Rumors of Coler closing are untrue.
- Repair status of Steam Plant and tunnel,
- Impressions of Roosevelt Island - Mayor Adams says it's a hidden jewel and would like to move Gracie Mansion here.