What To Do About Roosevelt Island Parking Problems? Residents Suggest More Ticketing, Car Towing And Street Parking Permits During Public Safety Department Community Engagement Meeting. Or Increase Motorgate Garage Capacity?
During the June 13 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety
(PSD) Community Engagement meeting,
residents and PSD Chief Kevin Brown discussed Roosevelt Island parking
According to a resident speaking at the meeting:
... parking is getting worse and worse every week on Roosevelt Island. Every spot on every street is taken...and once Manhattan congestion pricing is implemented, Roosevelt Island parking will be even a greater problem than it is now. Residents suggested several solutions including PSD giving out more tickets, towing cars illegally parked and limiting street parking spots to holders of permit stickers given out by RIOC.
Here's the discussion.
More on the idea of residential neighborhood parking permits in NYC.
Roosevelt Island Residents Association member Frank Farance has proposed increasing the capacity of Motorgate Garage by 500 sports. As reported in February 2023:
... In February 2022, RIRA Committee Chairs toured the Motorgate Garage exploring ideas for increasing parking spots and RIRA's Frank Farance proposed expanding the garage by building an addition in the currently vacant quadrant of the area....
What do you think?