Do You Want To Help Improve Roosevelt Island Transportation? Local Residents Taking Action To Organize And Advocate For Tram And Subway Solutions During MTA 63rd Street Tunnel Rehab Project, Come To September 6 Meeting At Granny Annie's To Learn More
A group of local residents are taking action to organize and advocate for solutions to the recent Roosevelt Island transportation problems at the Tram and Subway caused by the MTA's 63 Street Tunnel Rehab Project.
I spoke with two members of the group, Paul Krikler and Matt Wald, at Good Shepherd Plaza last Saturday. They described their outreach to the Roosevelt Island community and upcoming plans to improve Roosevelt Island transportation services during the MTA's 63rd Street Tunnel Rehab work scheduled to last into the first quarter of 2024.
According to the Group:
Do you want to help improve Roosevelt Island transportation
Want to get involved with advocating for better Roosevelt Island transportation? Join our volunteer meeting this week to discuss opportunities to help.
Wednesday Sept 6 at 7pm Granny Annie's (425 Main Street).
- Marketing
- Government relations
- Event planning
- Community outreach
- Other important dates:
- Sept 14 RIOC board meeting
- Sept 21 Community board 8 Transportation meeting
The Group has formed a What's App group chat Stuck On Roosevelt Island to discuss these issues and to organize.
You can join the What's App group here.