Wednesday, January 17, 2024

RIOC Directors Propose Shading Roosevelt Island Tram Windows To Discourage Overcrowding By Tourists During Operations Committee Meeting Discussion Today - You're Invited To Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Zoom Meeting January 18 To Discuss Tram And Other Issues

Community Board 8 (CB8) Roosevelt Island Committee Chair Paul Krikler reports:

Folks, representatives of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) will now be attending our monthly CB8 RI meetings again starting tomorrow. This is a very positive step following the announcement yesterday regarding management. I encourage people to come along and share ideas, thoughts and concerns especially regarding the Tram and Red Bus. The meeting is at 630pm and it is on Zoom.

 Click here for more info and sign up to receive the Zoom link.

During today's RIOC Operations Advisory Committee meeting, RIOC Directors and Staff discussed the possibility of shading the Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin windows to discourage the long tram lines

and overcrowded Tram cabins caused by tourists using the Tram as a sightseeing attraction.

Here's the discussion at today's RIOC meeting about shading the Roosevelt Island Tram windows.

RIOC Directors and staff will be attending tomorrow's CB8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting to discuss Tram and other issues with you.