Friday, July 5, 2024

{Update 7/5 - RI Bench Has Gone Viral With 2.4 Million TwitterX Views) Do You Have A Favorite Roosevelt Island Bench To Sit, Relax And Enjoy The Moment? Tell Us About It, And Dedicate A Roosevelt Island Bench With Your Own Personal Message

Originally published on Wednesday July 3.

Roosevelt Island resident Paul Krikler has a favorite bench.. Mr Krikler reports:

I like to come to a bench by the Blackwell House fountain when the weather is nice. I like to come when I've finished client work or other things I have going on. It's great to sit under the trees and look at the greenery. I do some of my best thinking there.

Click here for information from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) to purchase a bench dedication plaque. The price is $75.

UPDATE 7/5 - Roosevelt Island resident Matt Katz reports on his favorite bench:

My favorite bench is located on the west promenade overlooking the west channel of the river and directly in front of the PS/IS 217 picture window. I like to sit there with a newspaper or magazine and watch the river traffic go by. When the tourist boats head up the river and the folks on board wave, I yell to the tourists, "Spend money!" Always happy to support the City's economy.

The Roosevelt Island bench dedication plaque has gone viral on Twitter(X) with 2.4 million views.: