Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Woman Vandalizing Vehicles Near Cornell Tech Tries To Escape From Roosevelt Island PSD Officers by Jumping Into The East River This Morning - NYPD Boat Safely Removes Woman From The Water

A Roosevelt Island Tipster shares these photos and reported this morning:

According to the tram operator, a woman has been wading in the water for at least a half hour.  

Someone spotted her and called PSD, then a boat and fire trucks showed up.
Wonder what's going on?

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Chief Kevin Brown and Communications Department Director Bryant Daniels:

I understand there was a woman who climbed over the railing into the East River this morning near the Queensboro Bridge.

Do you have any more info on what happened?

Mr Daniels replied:

At approximately 7:30AM this morning PSD officers observed a female vandalizing 2 vehicles in front of 22 North Loop Road. When they attempted to apprehend her, she fled toward the river and jumped over the west sea wall, where she stood on the rocky coast before entering the East River up to her knees. NYPD and FDNY were also notified and responded to the scene. After some time, NYPD was able to remove the woman from the water. She was transported to the hospital for evaluation.

A Roosevelt Island Tram rider shares this video of the incident.