Roosevelt Island Red Bus Fleet, Upcoming Events And Impact Of Climate Change Among Agenda Items On February 26 RIOC Operations Advisory Committee Meeting - Public Invited To Attend
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Operations Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 3:30 p.m. at the RIOC Operations Office, 680 Main St, Roosevelt Island, New York 10044.
1. Bus Fleet Midlife Overhauls and Service Update
2. Uniform Services Contract
3. Upcoming Island Events
4. Climate Adaptation and How It Affects Roosevelt Island - Frank Farance
5. Any Other Committee Business that May be Brought Before the Committee.
The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen. The link to a webcast will be posted on RIOC’s website by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.