Sunday, June 5, 2011

Roosevelt Island Photo Blogger Shares Unique and Close Up Perspective of Farmers Market - Check Out Some Of Olya's Moments

Roosevelt Island resident and photographer Olya Turcihin shares an up close and personal view of the offerings at yesterday's Roosevelt Island Farmers Market on her blog,  Olya's Urban Journal.

Every day, Ms. Turcihin provides a unique visual perspective of scenes from Roosevelt Island and elsewhere on her blog. Check it out.

Roosevelt Island resident and blogger Life of Riley recently profiled Ms. Turcihin. Here's an excerpt:
Meeting Olya changed my life. As a writer, I love spending time with other creative souls, and Olya oozes creativity. But it’s much more than her creativity that catches one’s attention. She’s an observer of life . . . a keen eye focusing on minute and dismissed locations, people, and fixtures. And through Olya’s epic lens, I find myself seeing things around me in new ways and many times seeing these items for the first time. I’ve started to imitate Olya’s style–I call them Olya Moments–taking impromptu pics of tattered old tug boats along the East River, weathered rocks, and the vibrant movement of the city. She does this to you–prodding you to feel wide awake, ready to capture the world around you in a refreshing way. So here’s to a few of your own Olya Moments, and a little reawakening to all that surrounds you.

Life of Riley:  I’ve been browsing Olya’s Urban Journal, and I went back to the very first post from the blog launch. You talk about your sister and father and how much you miss them both. How does your art bring you closer to them?
Read the entire Life of Riley interview with Olya here.

Welcome to the Roosevelt Island Blogosphere Olya and Life of Riley.