Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NYPD Officer Assigned To and Patrolling Roosevelt Island Every Day But Not Yet On Permanent Basis - What Happened Last Saturday Night, Was There A Main Street Brawl?

 Image From NY Daily News

Here's the latest on efforts to again have a New York Police Department officer permanently assigned to Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Matt Katz asked 114 Precinct's Deputy Inspector Stephen Cirabisi:
Dear Inspector Cirabisi:
 The RIRA Common Council will meet on Wednesday, June 1 for the last time until we resume after Labor Day on September 7.  Can you tell me whether an officer has been assigned permanently to patrol Roosevelt Island on the four to midnight shift?  I would love to share that good news with my colleagues before we disband for the summer.  Thanks and best wishes,
          Matthew Katz
          President, RIRA

Inspector Cirabisi At Speaking at April RIRA Meeting

Inspector Cirabisi replied:
Hello Mr. Katz, As of now there is not a steady officer assigned but there is one assigned everyday on the 1500x2300 shift. We try to keep the same officer as much as possible. You can be assurred that there will be an officer patroling the island everyday on this shift throughout the summer. If you have any other concerns please let me know.
Comments to post earlier this week on RIRA's June Public Safety Committee Report noted here and here that a brawl involving as many as 20 people may have occurred on Main Street near the Public Safety Office last Saturday at about midnight - after the NYPD officer's tour ended.

Yesterday, in order to verify the accuracy of these reports, I checked the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for the weekend and found nothing to suggest such an incident took place.(The Daily Public Safety Reports are posted on the middle sidebar of blog).

I then sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez and Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
I received reports, including these two emails below, regarding a brawl/ fighting incident that occurred on Main Street last Saturday night around midnight.

I can find nothing on the Public Safety Reports for the weekend to indicate this occurred.

Was there such a fight and if so, can you provide information on what happened?

Below are the reports I received about the incident.

There was a serious incident on Main Street, just about in front of the Public Safety office, at about midnight Saturday. Looked like about 20 people involved in a fight, at least one taken away in handcuffs, several NYPD cars came screaming down the street.


What ever it was, it was loud, big and for a few minutes, very threatening -- I was awakened from sleep by the noise and I am not even on Main Street.
Called RIPSD and phone rang at least 30 times - I figured they already knew. Could see from my apt that many of the folks involved were running away as NYPD approached.
Summer is here and this will not be either the first or last incident that we will need to know more about...

Thank you.
As of this afternoon, I have not received any response to my inquiry so I followed up with this:
 Will there be a comment from RIOC regarding report of a fight involving approximately 20 people in front of Public Safety Department last Saturday night around midnight that was described in email below?

If this fight did occur, was it included in Public Safety Incident Report for that day? I did not see it listed. If not included, why not?

Thank you.
I did receive this announcement today from Mr. Guerra:
As part of our pro-active Community Outreach program, the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department will be hosting it's second Gang Summit on Thursday, June 23rd from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

We will be bringing in renowned gang expert Ron "Cook" Barrett, who will put on a fantastic presentation on Gang Recognition and Awareness.

Please pass the word regarding this summit, as we feel that everyone in attendance will get something out of this very informative program.

Thank you and hope to see you on 6/23.
Mr. Cook has previously conducted a Gang Recognition and Awareness Program on Roosevelt Island. More information on Mr. Cook's program available from earlier posts.

UPDATE 6/9 - At 4:16 PM yesterday, Public Safety Department Director Guerra sent the following message:
... As for the alleged fight, I already sent you an explanation.
I replied:
I never received any explanation regarding the alleged fight.

Can you resend please.
Mr. Guerra responded that he sent the same message to RIOC VP of Operations Fernando Martinez who received the message. When I asked Mr. Guerra to resend his explanation, he did so immediately. Here is his explanation for what happened on Saturday night.
The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department was called to the front of 540 Main Street for a large crowd.

Apparently, {Name Deleted}  who had been arrested last week, got out of his car to confront a group that was in front of the building. More people came over, and the noise level elevated. By this time PSD & NYPD officers were on the scene. The crowd was dispersed by all of the Officers on the scene. No arrests were made and order was restored.

{Same Name Deleted} then claimed someone had driven his car away from the scene, and wanted to file a report for Grand Larceny Auto. Witnesses, however, stated that the person who drove his car away was, in fact, with {Same Name Deleted}. A report was taken for Grand Larceny Auto anyway, and that was reflected in the 24 Hour Report.
(Note that this Blog's policy is not to publish names of those arrested before their case is adjudicated. That's why the name in Mr. Guerra's statement is deleted. In my view, the name of an arrested suspect does not add to the substance of a story and can harm that person unfairly if subsequently not convicted)

I also received this account from Roosevelt Island resident Arlise describing what she saw last Saturday night.
I returned to the island and had just reached Blackwell House when people began running as if for their lives. One woman yelled as she ran by to not walk down Main Street because a gang of kids are fighting and they might have guns. I've lived on RI for over 35 years and this was the first time ever, ever that I was afraid to walk down Main Street. A kind gentlemen over 6 feet tall walked with me until I reached my building.


Randy L Ortiz said...

I honestly can not believe how Roosevelt Island changed for the WORSE! My Mom and I moved to RI in 1976. I joined the Military in 85, My Mom chose to move off the Island in 1986. The Island starting taking a turn for the worse in that year. I have visited from time to time because of friends that I grew up with on RI still reside there. When WE were kids, this stuff did not go on. Yes we were mischieveous but not like the things that are taking place on the Island now. It's Ridiculous to read such things that are happening. When all of the new buildings started being built is when RI seemed to drop their standards and began to allow families who were not nice people move to the Island. The majority of people I know from my young days growing up on RI have long since moved away because they saw the BAD change happening. I truly wish Roosevelt Island has stayed the same, like it was from 1976 to 1985. Then things would be Okay! Randy L Ortiz, for RI Resident Building 560, Eastwood. Yeah I said it! Eastwood. And it will always remain Eastwood to me and alot of others.

Anonymous said...

When all of the new buildings started being built is when RI seemed to drop their standards and began to allow families who were not nice people move to the Island.

Allow? The people living in the Octagon, Manhattan Park, or Southtown are hardly the ones that cause all the trouble. It seems that most trouble is focussed in and around Eastwood aka Roosevelt Landings.

Anonymous said...

the new buildings Randy is referring to is River Road. With that being said, most of the doings happens on Main Street.

Anonymous said...

Some people that live on RI are such a joke. This one complains that some youth are being harassed. Another complains that they are misunderstood. Well you know what, the fact of the matter is that some of them are THUGS. I encourage everyone to report anything and everything that is against the law to public safety. The only way the (little angels) thugs will learn is by getting arrested over and over again. Until everyone in our society adopts a zero tolerance approach we will all continue to have problems.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is there not hell being raised for a Roosevelt Island POLICE DEPARTMENT.
This arguing and begging and going back and forth with the nypd is really, really, really, did I say really, POINTLESS.




This is plain and simply rediculous from RIRA.

We should be fighting for our own and fight for our own Roosevelt Island self governance.

Why must we be dependant of third party individuals such as the NYPD.


I want to have direct say and control over my own police personell such as PSD who will actually listen.

Why do we have a nypd cop on this island? Whats the difference between the NYPD officer and PSD?

noone has yet to say.

Is it because PSD is pro-enforcement in Eastwood/Landings and RIRA doesnt like it? Is it perhaps that PSD arrested a member or two from RIRA and they want no say or word about PSD being broadcasted?

Dont get me wrong, I am in no way affiliated with PSD. It is just a principal of the matter.

When I moved to R.I. , I loved the independance from the big city.

We moved forward with self governance with the general body, things were going good.

Lets keep going and have a direct link with our very own police department. All we have to do is support PSD and have them revamp and reorganize and retrain.

Yes, of course it will cost money, but guess what! We can have direct say on their conduct and tell them where WE NEED THEM.

Screw the third party.

I am sick with the lies and decieving nature of NYCPD.

SML said...

I've got news for you: Roosevelt Island is a housing development in NEW YORK CITY.

Anonymous said...


We already have law enforcement on this state ran island. No need for more, especially from a third party.

Anonymous said...

I sure know what sounds and noise woke me up Saturday nite around midnight...

There is a terrible smell here from RIOC and RIPSD regarding the event that occured just around midnight this past Saturday -- it smells just like a COVER-UP.

If we believe that there is an NYPD presence here daily from 3pm to 11pm and we know there was a RIPSD shift change around 11 pm --
and neither RIOC nor RIPSD can affirm that something big happened -- heard and/or seen by many -- then some one is covering up for RI PSD. I did ask a desk staff person about this on Sunday -- they did say "something" happened, and they did say NY PD was called, but said nothing else.

It was loud, it was menacing, and denying anything occured will not help RIOC or RI PSD credibility.

School is almost out, there will be lots of idle people hanging out on the Island on Friday and Saturday nites, and the event that no one wants to admit to will be repeated for sure...

Shame on you Leslie, Fernando and Keith -- what are you trying to hide ??

Anonymous said...

trying to hide? Really? some people need a life. What could psd possibly be trying to hide. What do you think there is a big conspiracy about what happened saturday or whatever day it was. Jeez,some of you people make it seem like ri psd is trying to cover up a murder or something.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

^^^^^ I forgot the word see in the second paragraph

Really said...

Eliminate the Section 8 housing and many of the problems will be gone. Apparently the Director of P.S. has head up his..., no, buried in the sand, as he will not even acknowledge that there was a problem. Time to get rid of the double dipper and get someone who can deal with the problems.

jr said...

many of the good working middle class people were forced to move out of eastwood .due to a very bad deal made by the owner and a bum by the name of ron vass , so now all you have lefe are disable . old people,on fixed incomes people on ssi ,and working people with low incomes ,and the new people moving in paying market rent because they get 3 months free rent and a free metro card for one year for each working member of the household . but after one year they move out sometimes less than a year .this was once a nice place to live .but many many good hard working middle class people were forced to move thanks to ron vass ,may he go to hell

Anonymous said...

And jr seems to be sticking around despite all the bad things happening to his neighborhood. All can't be that bad then.


Public Safety Director Guerra responded to Saturday's Incident. It is published as update to this post.

Anonymous said...

Guerra is FULL OF SH!T... a large crowd... and argument... ask him about the 2x4, ask him about the kid who is walking around with 3 staples in his head from this loud argument... I will be walking around with a mini camcorder for the rest of the summer... yes we live in NYC, yes there is crime here as there will be in other places. But that is NOT AN EXCUSE.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line kids are bored on that island because they have no where to go there really is nothing to do for the older kids and most of them are not allowed off the island so they decide to stick around and raise hell and act stupid. It's the same thing in the Bronx or Manhattan it's just those places are not as confined as RI so you get to witness it more. Bottom line PSD doesn't do shit they never have and never will half the time they look the other way and shit happens then ppl wonder what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Also, what about a week or so earlier when a young kid swung a baseball bat at another in the middle of Main Street right across the street from the school and playground where many kids were playing. PSD needs to get a grip and not make light of these matters. The heck with a gang summitt. They should be getting rid of these trouble makers in the first place. Zero Tolerance. like someone said I will be making sure I carry a video camera the resy of the summer. Then when stuff goes down and is swept under the rug we can show our Island residents what our Public Safety officers truly do.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:01am poster - One big difference between having a PSD officer on scene and a nypd officer is an NYPD officer is in DIRECT contact with twice as many (if not more) officers right through his radio. Where with PSD there is a laspe in time, they have to use their radio to call the main PSD office then the PSD office has to call the 114th....
also in my opinion, I feel more comfortable knowing that there is a officer carrying a gun just in case. With the obvious unreporting of events on the island, IF there were a shooting, there isnt much a PSD can do about it but run like the rest of us. Lets not forget there has been a shooting on roosevelt island. Right in front of 4 river road.... lets not forget the gun shot wholes in the stop sign above the exit ramp of the RI bridge, lets not forget the guns and drugs found in an apartment on the island a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Poster from 9:14 must think the Chief of PSD spends all his time trying to make sure this Blog gets the scoop on all the news. Hello.........?

Poster from 11:53, it will be wonderful to see your footage on this Blog of all the news you will videotape.

You two are the clueless ones. Police Agencies can only document what people tell them. If they ask someone, "Are you hurt?", "Did someone do something to you?" or "Can you say who did it?" and the answers are "No. Nothing happend here. Nobody did anything." What do you want PSD or NYPD to do?

I was hanging out in front of Trellis Saturday night, and yes there was a crowd. I saw someone holding a piece of wood. I did not see him hit anyone with it. I also saw a ton of officers asking everyone what happend and everyone ran away.

Nobody wants to talk to the Cops. Everyone just runs away. So, what should they do? I told them that before they had arrived it looked like a fight was brewing, but there was just a lot of yelling.

If you 2 idiots were there and saw something different - speak up!

Anonymous said...

speaking of video... shouldnt public saftey have all of this on camera. They have the island rigged like big brother, with live feed and zoom. with both of these incidents happening on Main Street there has to be some kind of footage.
@ 12:21pm why are you calling them idiots.... whats up with that?

Anonymous said...

@12:21pm I was there for the fight outside of North Town. And I did say something, walked right in to PSD like blab blab blab. I was also the one to called them when the first argument started and looked like it was going to be a fight. PSD came so did NYPD, hands were tied because "nothing" happened. 20 minutes later when the guy came back with his two dogs, he assualted a kid sitting by himself. The other kids saw and ran after the guy. I again called PSD like umm THEY ARE GOING TO KILL XXXX. The guy was later arrested only to come back to the Island last saturday. So to poster @ 12:21PM even when you speak to them, not much can be done... so whats your point?

Anonymous said...

@poster 1221,

Psd should at least have a shotgun in their car and office. Also i was told by a sergeant that their radios can communicate direct with nypd if an emergency arises.

Lets not forget that psd made an arrest of a thug carrying a gun near the deli a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the same dude that was arrested last week for starting trouble came back. He doesn't live here and should stay his a-- away from here.
But someone from here is going to get arrested because of him. Don't do it bruh! It's not worth it.

jr said...

the reason i am sticking around is because i am on sec8 , do you think i would live here paying market rent. no way . you morons can pay market rent not me .god bless america

Gregor said...

Fact: As he was walking down Main St minding his own business, an older community member had a water bottle thrown at his back the other day on Main St almost directly outside PSD with the water splashing all down his back. Luckily the bottle didn't hit his head. This was in broad daylight.

Because the person is fearful, he refuses to even report the incident to PSD. Could PSD at least have an officer stationed outside of PSD at all times like you see at regular Police precincts or at least have the area under video surveillance with signage indicating it is under surveillance.

Anonymous said...

Ah, a Gregor fact. Cool.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER seen an officer posted outside a poilce precient at all times

The fail train said...

An officer stationed in front of psd? This practice is surely not done in the nypd. Fact = Fail.

Anonymous said...

Realisticly Fernando Martinez Keith Guerrea, Need to resigne ..They are both bullies...Theyintimidate every employee at RIOC.They are nothing but thugs themselves...I guess one good thing has occured, They both do not have Joyce Mincheff to rely on anymore..She officially resigned from the common council... Little does evryone know Ms.Mincehff Was "Pro Public saftey." Especially when The Public Saftey Committee started inviting residents who's kids were being attacked by PSO.Now that certain people are not on the common council residents will have true advocacsy..

jr said...

i was on the tram today . i was very upset to see the new roosevelt island . all the people on the tram were white . people making over 100,000 per year , less and less low income and middle income lefe on the island . i hated all you people that i saw on the tram . i miss the old roosevelt island when every one said hello to each other and every one knew each other , now all these new upply up people are moving here, well you all can go to hell because i am staying here with my sec 8 . you are not getting rid of me and other low and middle income peolpe like me . this island was for mixed income . not for only high income ,.hell no .we wont go.we must have a block party ,on main street .but it will only be for the oldtimers on the island ,not the new people

Safety First said...

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a little police kiosk put on Main Street - outside PSD - so that a cop could keep an eye on activity on Main St at all times. And you do often see cops hanging out - if not actually stationed - in front of precincts. Maybe it's only a tradition, not an official posting, but probably it's done so an actual street presence is there as much as possible.

SML said...

Oh, yes. Let's turn the island into a police state. It's not enough that the most prominent presence on Main Street is the "Security Office" with the green lights pretending to be a police station. Let's make sure that we convey to everyone that this would be a violent and lawless neighborhood if it were not for our "protectors." That's what I want -- Roosevelt Island isn't depressing enough as it is.

Anonymous said...

jr, I've got news for you. People making low $100k are hardly anything more than middle class. That kind of money is needed to pay a non-subsidized rent and once everything's paid YOU probably have more money left than I do. That iPhone you have I wouldn't be able to afford.

Anonymous said...


How dumb does that sound? You want an outside police officer to sit in front of public safety, which is their turf. Not only is that ludicrus, but also demeaning to the officers and members of publuc safety.

I wonder what the 114pct would say if we stationed public safety in front of their precint if crime was going thriugh the roof on astoria boulevard(their precint location).

Such rediculous thinking on your part.

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