Friday, September 26, 2014

Amazing New York Yankee Shortstop Derek Jeter Wins Final Home Game Of Great Career With Walk Off Single To Right Field- Thank You For All The Great Memories

Everyone just knew that when the Baltimore Orioles tied the game against the Yankees in the top of the ninth and that Derek Jeter was batting third in the bottom of the inning that he would find a way to win the game.

And Jeter did just that.

Simply amazing!!!!

During the post game press conference Derek Jeter said:
...I know there’s a lot of people that have much more talent than I do throughout the course of my career, not just now and I can honestly say I don’t think anyone played harder. I don’t. Maybe just as hard, but I don’t think anyone had more of an effort.

Every single day I went out there and tried to have respect for the game and play it as hard as I possibly could. And I did it here in New York, which I think is much more difficult to do. And I’m happy for that...
That's the reason, besides the statistics and memorable plays (flip to Posada game, diving into stands against Red Sox, Jeffrey Maier home run, Mr. November, 5 for 5 3,000 hit game), Derek Jeter is a great ballplayer and is so respected.

Here's the rest of Jeter's very interesting press conference.

Derek Jeter played baseball the right way

and baseball fans, particularly NY Yankee Fans, thank him for that.