Friday, September 26, 2014

Report From RIOC President Charlene Indelicato - Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage Security Cameras, Parking Meters, Good Shepherd Streetscape Renewal, Octagon Playground Tree Removal & Fall For Arts Festival

 Image Of Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage Security Camera

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato sends the following report to the community.
Throughout the summer, RIOC has been working hard to make capital improvements and to ensure the safety and beauty of our community. As the weather turns colder towards the end of fall, many construction projects will be required to be put on hold until the spring. With this in mind, we are continuing to make preparations for the upcoming season and to get our neighborhood ready for cold weather and snow. Until then, we will enjoy the fall weather and proceed as planned with construction and other projects.

Fall for Arts Festival

The annual Roosevelt Island Fall for Arts Festival will take place on Saturday, October 11th from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Southpoint Park and on the lawn south of Rivercross. This year's theme is "A Multicultural Renaissance," celebrating the diversity of our unique community in a medieval setting. With participation from various community groups, multicultural musical and theatrical performances, live mural painting and "make-and-take" art activities for children, this event is a long-time community favorite. Look for a schedule of events to be posted soon on our website (, facebook page ( ), the Main Street kiosks and other locations island-wide with more information about the event. We hope to see you at the Festival!

RIOC is currently seeking volunteers and mural artists to participate in this community event. The deadline for submitting a sketch to be considered for a muralist spot at the Festival has been extended through the weekend - all sketches received by Monday, September 29 will be considered. If you're interested in submitting a mural design or in volunteering at the Festival by helping attendees complete art activities or distributing art supplies to mural painters, please contact Anna Rankin at Community service hours can be given for volunteering, and participants will receive a free, exclusive festival t-shirt. For more information on painting or volunteering, visit our website at and click on our slideshow.

Security Cameras at the Motorgate Garage

As previously reported, RIOC has installed a series of security cameras at various locations on Roosevelt Island, including inside the Motorgate Garage. Currently, the installation and setup of these cameras is in the second phase of implementation. Before the next phase can begin, minor adjustments to the placement, orientation and other properties of the cameras will take place. The Public Safety Department has also been consulted on prime locations for future cameras and other upgrades. Since their initial installation, these cameras have already proved a valuable asset to the community and have assisted law enforcement with several investigations and lead to the apprehension of criminals. We plan to improve this system on a constant basis and look forward to the next phase of installation.

Parking Meters Accepting Credit Cards

We are pleased to announce that all parking meters on Roosevelt Island will soon be able to accept credit cards as payment. This improvement will increase convenience for residents and visitors alike who park on our streets. Electronic parking meters were installed earlier this year and are available along the length of Main Street and in the public parking lot to the east of the Roosevelt Island Racquet Club near the Tramway plaza. We are happy to be able to provide this service as an upgrade to the current system.

Tree Removal at the Octagon Playground

Last Thursday, September 24, contractors removed several damaged trees and branches at the Octagon Park. Affected trees, which had been damaged by stormy weather, were identified by a qualified professional before they were scheduled for removal or pruning. Routine maintenance and trimming is required for the general upkeep of the Island's trees and to avoid potential hazards caused by hanging and fallen limbs.

Good Shepherd Streetscape Renewal Project

As you may have noticed, landscaping work has begun behind the Good Shepherd Community Center. This project marks the first phase of work in a larger development - the renewal and redesign of the Good Shepherd Plaza. This project began several years ago as a joint initiative between RIOC and many active members of the Roosevelt Island community, who provided valuable input on residents' needs and visions for the space. Once the community design process was completed, RIOC solicited bids from qualified contractors and selected the best vendor based on standard procurement procedures. The chosen contractor will perform upgrades to the lawn and areas in and around the Plaza according to the finalized design. Currently, workers are laying out the areas where new decomposed granite paths and planting beds will be installed behind the Community Center. Most recently, concerns were raised about the health of the 9/11 memorial tree located in the area after a surface root was pruned to make way for construction. This root pruning has not endangered the tree. RIOC takes pride in the care of the Island's grounds and flora, and as New Yorkers ourselves, we understand how much this memorial means to all of our residents. Contractors are taking every precaution to ensure the continued health and future growth of the memorial tree as they modify the areas around it.