Monday, September 22, 2014

Learn You're The Cure CPR Hands Only Technique At Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization Monthly Seminar Wednesday September 24 - Domestic Violence Seminar Wednesday October 29

Hands Only CPR Training During June 21 Roosevelt Island Day

The Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization (RIWHO) sends the following invitation to women 18 years and older for its upcoming seminars:

Image From Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization
Here are the Fall 2014 dates for Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization.

Our 1st seminar -- Wed. Sept. 24th
Topic will be CPR Training

The 2nd seminar -- Wed. Oct. 29th
Topic will be Domestic Violence

The 3rd seminar -- Wed. Nov. 19
Topic to be announced

The 4th seminar -- Wed. Dec. 17
Topic to be announced

546 Main Street
12th Floor Community Room
Time: 6:30pm

Dates and topics for 2015 to be announced.
Roosevelt Island resident Lynn Strong-Shinozaki is working with the American Heart Association's You're The Cure to teach Hands Only CPR Training. According to Ms. Strong Shinozaki:
... We are also working with groups like RIWHO and will be doing a training next Wednesday along with a talk about how to recognize when you are having a heart attack and stroke.

We are offering to work with any island group who would like us to do the training. It is not a certification. You do not receive a certificate. You simply learn what to do if a loved ones heart stops working.

To date we have trained 222 people who live or work on Roosevelt Island. We would love to train anyone who is bilingual to be facilitators in their native languages. Anyone interested can contact me....
Ms. Strong-Shinozaki explained Hands Only CPR Training during September 10 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) meeting Public Session.

More information on Hands Only CPR Training here

and here.

UPDATE 9/23 - From RIWHO: