Roosevelt Island Chabad Go Apple Picking In Preparation For Sweet Rosh Hashanah - Services On Wednesday, Thursday And Friday
Roosevelt Island Chabad Rabbi Zalman and Nechama Duchman share pictures from their pre Rosh Hashanah apple picking trip
last Sunday and report:
In preparation for Rosh Hashanah, the community here on Roosevelt IslandThe Duchman's invite you to take the Rosh Hashanah Honey Bucket Challenge
Image From Nechama Duchman
got together and rented a bus
Image From Nechama Duchman
to go apple picking at Outhouse Orchards in Croton Falls, NY.
Image From Nechama Duchman
A grand time was had by all! Wishing all our friends and neighbors a Shana Tovah, a happy and healthy sweet New Year.
and send the following Roosevelt Island Chabad Rosh Hashanah schedule
Wednesday, Sept. 24Reported earlier today on the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Rosh Hashanah services.
7:30pm Maariv, evening prayers
Thursday, Sept. 25
10:00am Shacharis and children’s program
11:00am Shofar followed by Kiddush
7:30pm Maariv, evening prayers
Friday, September 26
10:00am Shacharis and children’s program
11:00am Shofar followed by Kiddush
Best wishes for a Shana Tovah umesukah, a happy, sweet New Year
For exact location, email us at Free, no membership, no Hebrew reading required.