Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Roosevelt Island Real Estate Deathmatch, $1.3 Million Dollar Riverwalk Court Condo Or $1.275 Million Rivercross Coop - Which Would You Choose Asks Curbed?

New York City real estate web site Curbed tweeted yesterday:

and asks:
Imagine you have around $1,300,000 to spend on a place and you've narrowed it down to two apartments. How do you make up your mind? The answer is simple: you shove them into a metaphorical cage and let them battle it out until one emerges victorious. It's time for Real Estate Deathmatch....
The Roosevelt Island apartment comparison is between the $1.3 million asking Riverwalk Court Condo (Curbed Tweet picture on left)

Riverwalk Court Apartment Floorplan From Streeteasy

 and $1.275 Rivercross Coop (Curbed Tweet picture on right).

 Rivercross Apartment Floorplan From Streeteasy

According to Streeteasy, the Riverwalk Court condo has been on the market for 5 days. It was purchased in 2009 for $760,000.

According to Streeteasy, the Rivercross coop apartment has been on the market since May 2014, originally listed at $1.625 million

So, if you had $1.3 million, which Roosevelt Island apartment would you buy - Riverwalk or Rivercross?